My Make Up Essentials — How I Keep My Face Looking Young

In this busy world where we are constantly hounded by our careers and busy jobs, it is entirely possible that we forget to do important little things such as caring for our skin. There was one phase in my adult life where I was really frustrated by the way that things are going for me — studies, work and family-wise — that I really looked sick and unhealthy because I  overlooked taking care of myself.

Did you know that the skin and the face are the first parts of the body to show aging and sickness? And this is more emphasized and seen in one’s eyes — so when they say that the eyes don’t lie or the eyes are the window of your soul, they are actually telling the truth.

Girls, let’s face the harsh reality here for one second — we really age faster compared to guys. Our stress and frustrations, multiplied by the hormones that we have in our bodies, make us look older compared to guys in our age bracket. And for me, this is one of the reasons why women apply make up and guys don’t. We are faced with a much faster aging problem compared to the opposite sex and we need to compensate by hiding these flaws better.

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Coloring My Pale Face With My Favorite Accessories

Some time ago, I wrote about applying make up to the face, and I really think that it is an important topic for us girls. Well, I would be the first to tell you that I really love wearing colors on my face, because I do have a naturally pale face that needs some blush and vibrance to it.

Adding colors to your face is a double – edged sword. Yes, makeup can really change the shape, contours and the lines on your face. Adding colors to my face is something that I do whenever I go out, not because I am not satisfied with the way that I look but because I know I can still improve my overall look.

Trust me, I do have my own insecurities too. I think even the most beautiful woman in the world will have her own sets of insecurities — pretty much the same way normal people have their own. That is actually one of the reasons why I love wearing makeup and colors on my face. It helps me shrug away those little insecurities that I have with my face and the added confidence translates into better mood as well!

I do have some favorite makeup and accessories that I use almost every time when I go out for a walk or some casual errands. I will list these favorite makeup and accessories below, so I hope you can pickup some of them for your own collections too!

My Favorite Makeup & Accessories To Use For Casual Days


Come on! You really don’t think I would miss out on these little trinkets of happiness, do you? As much as I want to leave this one out, I really can’t live without my pair of little lipsticks to color my lips. Wearing lipsticks greatly affect the mood that I am in and I actually partner them with my clothes too. I try to coordinate the color of my lips with the color of my clothes, and the uniformity really makes the colors pop out! It is actually like wearing red sneakers to match my red shirt — it always makes people turn their heads around!

Check out this nice matte lipstick from Style Nanda — I really love the texture and it stays on the lips much longer too!


Lip Liner And Drawing Kit

Applying lipstick can be messy, especially if you have unstable hands that shake from time to time. So to make sure that my lipstick colors are applied perfectly, I often use lip liners to keep the colors in. I draw the lines using the lip liners first, then proceed to color my lips while using the lines I have drawn as my border. Easy peasy!

This lip liner from Style Nanda is the one that I often use to line my lips. They are very accurate and the colors closely match that of my lipstick!



Contouring Stick

I really love this piece of makeup accessory! With the contouring stick, I am able to make shadows, lines and spaces that I would otherwise not be able to make. It is really one handy tool to have, especially if you want to emphasize your nose and eyes.

Check out this contouring stick from Style Nanda — see how closely it blends with the color of my skin!


What do you think of my choices? Do you think these fashion pieces can help you hide your insecurities too? Let me know with your comments below 🙂


My Favorite Accessories For Taking Care Of My Face

Taking care of the face is one of the most important jobs of a woman. Not only to make sure that she looks good, but ultimately to make sure that the face is radiant, glowing and healthy-looking too.

As for me, I always make it a point to have that healthy, radiant looking skin that people would look at with awe. I want them to turn their heads towards my direction a second time around after looking at me — and this can only be done with constant and continuous skin care.

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How To Choose The Right Lipstick Color

Most of us have a bunch of lipsticks in our beauty bag, some that we wear all the time, some that never get touched. There’s a reason for that. You may have fallen in love with a lipstick in the store or on Kendall Jenner or Beyonce’s face, but when you put it on yourself? It just doesn’t work.

1. Identify Your Undertone
First, the basics. Everyone’s skin has undertones of either yellow or pink. Yellow is warmer, pink is cooler. Knowing your undertone is enormously helpful when you’re trying to figure out which lipsticks look best on you.

A quick way to identify your skin’s undertone is to look at the veins on your wrist. If they are blue, and you also tend to gravitate towards wearing blues, whites, and grays, you’ve got pink undertones. If your veins appear more green, you have a warmer yellow undertone. If they appear to be both blue and green, you are the lucky owner of a neutral skin tone (meaning equal pink and yellow tones), and you can wear any color.

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2. Know Which Shades Work With Your Undertone
You want to focus on shades similar to your undertone when choosing a lipstick, says Mann. For yellow undertones, stick to warmer colors and for pink undertones, look for shades with blue or purple tones in them.

If possible, you should avoid lipstick colors with a gray, ashy or overly pale feel. These can often make the skin look sickly or unhealthy and are universally unflattering.

3. When in Doubt, Pick Based on Your Skin Tone
To simplify the process, you can also stick to shades that typically suit olive, fair and darker skin tones. Olive skin tones are generally neutral, so it’s hard for you to go wrong. Most nude, pink, orange, and red shades are going to look good on you, but always Look at what you are wearing to determine your lip shade. For an outfit with warmer colors, you’d stick to a warmer, bright lipstick.

Choosing the right lipstick color for you might be difficult, but certainly not complicated. And now that you have read this little list that I put up, I am confident that you will be able to choose the right lipstick color much easier. If you need some suggestions, I highly suggest that you take a look at these sliding butter dragon lipstick from Imvely. Very high pigmentation and colors!

Pink Lip Color As A Beginner-Friendly Hue

As lipstick fanatics, there is always that scary thought behind our minds that we don’t think we can pull of wearing those pink-toned lipsticks. How many times have we told ourselves that we wish we could look good and wear any lipstick that we liked, but we are scared to try it because it might not look good at all. That “I’ve tried it, but it just doesn’t look right on me” kind of feeling is something that can really make you question if you can wear lipsticks at all.

Well, if you ask me, I would say that  women can wear any lipstick. However, the most important point when rocking a bold lip color is finding the right shade for your skin tone. A rule in fashion always emphasizes the need to know how, when and where to combine colors. Complementing and contrasting colors is a big rule in fashion, and after that, it’s all about how you wear your fashion pieces. Confidence isn’t built overnight, and you need to take little baby steps to find out what color really works for you. To help you first-timers who might be skittish about trying lip color,  from rookie to expert, I suggest you go for a pink lipstick first!

Why Pink Lipstick Is Beginner-Friendly

In my opinion, pink lipstick is like the “training wheels” when it comes to getting into lip color. Considering that pink is an inherently girly hue that is relatively easier to wear, in a way that’s flattering on our skin tones, I really tell girls to try out pink first when looking for a casual and wearable daily lipstick. Lily Allen, Katy Perry, and Vanessa Hudgens to name a few are just some of the celebrities who are known to rock the pink lipstick, and I am sure you will agree that they all look good in it.

What I like about the pink tone is that it is very neutral, as long as you use the one that closely mimics the color of your skin. Unlike red or orange hue that can get too intense at time, pink just mimics the color for your skin, especially if you use a lighter pink color. Pink lipstick is beginner-friendly and not as punishing as red or orange when you wear it on a casual day. Don’t believe me? Checkout this 3CE Baby Punch Pink Lips from Style Nanda and I am sure you will agree that pink lipstick is a great beginner lip color!

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Lip Gloss As A Supplement To Your Lip Fashion

Just like our beloved lipstick, lip gloss is a product that helps enhance the look of our lips. Lip gloss, as it name suggests, is primarily used to make the lips look glossy and it comes in a variety of different forms that may be applied in different ways. Some lip gloss come in small cylindrical bottles that are applied with a rounded or sloped applicator wand a built in lip brush. Some lip gloss come in a soft and easily squeezable plastic tube designed to be passed over the lips or applied with a fingertips.

In my opinion, a clear lip gloss is a basic beauty product that every woman should have on hand. A clear lip gloss can do everything — from helping to highlight your lip’s natural color to put the finishing touches on your matte lipstick. When I was just starting out, and I was just starting to get myself used to the idea of applying makeup, I always found the simple clear lip gloss to be a friendly and easy to apply accessory. Although I know some girls like to pair their matte lipstick with a clear gloss, a clear gloss can spice up any look, from casual to formal, and I really think that you should try to do it too!

As seasons change, the “in fashion” changes with the season too. Women will also find that the different shades of light can make some colors look better during some seasons but look unattractive during other seasons as well. Because of this, stocking up a few different lip gloss shades for different seasons also gives women a nice way to mix up their makeup routine.

The colors of spring are traditionally pastel, and lighter pinks rule this season for women with light coloring and blonde or light brown hair. Brunettes with a fair skin tone will want to go for a brighter pink. Redheads tend to play up that coloring: Choosing a darker pink that is almost red will complement a redhead’s natural look. For darker skin tones and darker hair, an almost fuchsia or mauve gloss will be perfect.

Are you looking for some nice lip gloss to help you improve your make up experience? IF you r answer is yes, try out this lip gloss by 3CE from Style Nanda and let me know if yoi think this kind of add-on accessory can help you in the long term. Cheers!

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Matte Or Glossy? Which One Suits Casual Wear Better?

I’ve been meaning to ask this question for quite a while now, but honestly, I can’t decide which is best — a matte lipstick or a shimmer / glossy lipstick? I have seen my fair share of both items, and I still can’t decide which one to go for until now. There are days when I feel like wearing matte helps me look more “casual” and outgoing, while the glossy and shimmer lipstick gives mo more of a “classy” and “dressy” kind of look. Although which one looks best might be entirely subjective, I feel like both matte and glossy lipstick have their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as different niches and needs to fill.

Admit it or not, us girls NEED lipstick in our lives, especially if we want to make our face become much more vibrant and noticeable in a sea of people. Wearing a lipstick, at least for me, gives me a much-needed confidence booster especially when I feel like I am having a bad day. A whip of this wonderful beauty accessory on our mouth can transform us from being “too tired to get out from the bed” look to a much more pleasant “where is the party, I need to be there” kind of persona.

The dilemma though, at least for me, is to know which one works best for me. And to be able to do this, I need to find out when a matte or a glossy lipstick looks good versus when it doesn’t.

As I have experience wearing both matte and glossy lipstick, I will stick to my earlier post that matte looks better when worn casually, and glossy looks better when worn in evening parties and dinners. As much as I want to wear glossy when I am going out to do some groceries, the look and the feel of glossy lipsticks in such a place doesn’t look right, and matte seems to be a better fit overall for me. I don’t know, but i always seem to end up messing my lips up when i apply a glossy lipstick. Although I do have a soft spot in my heart for a glossy lipstick, sometimes, it is the more subtle matte lipstick that is easier to wear. It gives me the confidence that I need, especially when I think about wearing it daily. You just can’t wear glossy lipsticks every day!

One of my favorite matte lipstick brands is the colorful 3CE Matte Lipstick from Style Nanda, and I own quite a number of these gorgeous lipsticks. Check them out here!

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What Are The Benefits Of Wearing A Lipstick?

Do you like applying lipstick? There are so many benefits of wearing a lip stick that I know of, and I’d gladly share with you some of them. Though lipsticks are more commonly viewed today as a piece of fashion accessory that can help you improve your look and enhance your appearance, the modern lipstick is more than just a simple fashion accessory. There are so many benefits of wearing a lipstick today that I really enjoy buying lipsticks from time to time.

Just to start off, here are some of the most important benefits of lipstick:

They Beautify Your Lips – It doesn’t matter what style or color of lipstick you prefer , you will instantly feel a lot more beautiful when wearing a lipstick. If your goal is to stand out from the crowd, become a lot more vibrant or you simply need a boost in your confidence, wearing a lipstick can definitely help you.

They Provide Important Hydration – older brands of lipsticks in the past used ingredients that take moisture away from your lips. Today though, new brands of lipstick are formulated to keep your lips properly hydrated and sometimes they even contain some form of moisturizing additive such as vitamin E or aloe vera.

Lipsticks Act As A Sunscreen – The skin on our lips is very sensitive and it can become really dry when exposed to the harsh sunlight. Today. many lipstick manufacturers have started to add extra sun protection ingredients to their lipsticks, enabling you to protect your lips from sun, drying, wind, and other harmful and aging effects.

So there you go! Lipsticks are not just a fashion accessory anymore, but something that a lot of people are willing to use as an added protection for your lips. If you need a nice set of lipsticks that keep their shine for a long time, just check out this wonderful “stay shine” lipstick from Club Clio

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Have A Fuller And Defined Lips With Lip Liners

A tried and tested cosmetic product that is usually applied before the lipstick in order to outline the shape of the outer edges of the lips, lip liners are what I consider “women’s best friend”. Not everyone’s lips are perfectly aligned, which means that you need to add some extra work in order to get a well-refined look and defined lip shape. Lip liners work really well in this regard and it is also nice complement to your lipsticks, which are usually too thick to create extremely-defined lines.

Well, who doesn’t want full, defined lips … right? If you really seek this kind of lip definition then the lip liner is the answer to this perennial question of “how to get fuller and defined lips” for women.
Lip liners are also mainly utilized to alter the shape of one’s lips and even create the illusion of having a sexier and fuller lips, much to the adoration of fans of celebrities such as Angelina Jolie. With this in mind, you’ll have plenty of time to use the lip liner to mimic the style of your favorite Hollywood actresses who are known to have fuller lips.

Another perfect thing that i like about lip liners is their ability to stop your lipstick from bleeding outside the fine lines around the mouth. Because it tries to keep all the colors within the detailed lines, you won’t have problems with the bleeding out of colors. To tell you the truth, lip liners aren’t really “required” when you want to have a defined lip color and lip form. But, ” the lip liner is to lipstick what the primer is to a foundation or a base coat is to nail polish — it’s not crucial, but it does make your lipstick look better and last longer.” Just like putting a cover on your car to protect it from the sun, it is not entirely required, but doing it will preserve your car and make your car paint last longer — the same thing goes for applying a lip liner!

Lip liners today are manufactured in colors that closely resemble that of the usual lipstick colorways. This is to make sure that the lip liner doesn’t stand out too much when used with the lipstick. If you are searching for some nice and not-too-expensive lip liners, I highly recommend these 3CE Drawing lip pencils from Style Nanda. I happen to own one and I really like the color and texture when I apply it to my lips. Highly recommended!

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The How And Why Of Choosing A Lipstick Shade

Did you know that the Egyptians were the first to use lipstick in their beautification process? A per history, it was said that the first accounted use of lipstick occurred in ancient Mesopotamia. Back then, affluent women such as princesses and queens crushed their semi-precious jewels in order to create a red dye to be used as lip colors to enhance and beautify their lips. From its use during the ancient times, lipsticks have evolved in so many ways since then and today it has grown to create an industry that is so popular among women.

With the myriad of colors, shades, tones and style options available, choosing a lipstick can quickly turn from an exciting prospect to one that will cause you a lot of headaches. Well, who wouldn’t have a hard time trying to choose the best shade and style of a lipstick, right? As for me, I always take a cue on the skin tone and the eye color when choosing a lipstick.

For example, brownish to olive skin tones are considered neutral so it’s kinda impossible for you to go wrong with your lipstick shade. Nude, orange, light pink and red shades are definitely going to work well and good for you. As for those who possess a lighter and fairer skin tone like me, going for aggressive and bolder tones will pay off quite well. For example, wearing hot pink, bright red or luscious violet will not be a problem if you have a whiter skin, but the same cannot be said for those who have a darker skin tone.

Sometimes I also like to use the eye color as a reference for the playful lipstick colors that I am going to choose. For example, when I feel like wearing a blue contact lens just for fun, I also experiment with a blue-shade lipstick to match the color of my eyes. Take note that these kinds of experimentation will only work positively if you have the right skin shade to go for it, and I am blessed to have a lighter skin tone.

Lipstick’s popularity is enduring because it provides a fast and easy way to transform my look from daytime to evening, modern to retro, even work to play. Whether you want to go for a mild, casual style or a vibrant, aggressive style, the availability of lipstick brands in today’s market should make lipstick shopping easier for you. Here is a red matte lipstick from Imvely that I love so much, and I am sure you would also love this if you want to go for a shade that will cover a lot of applications for you! Check it out.

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