My Asian Street Fashion Essentials For Men

Hi guys, how are you all doing today? It is quite a rainy Sunday evening here, so I decided to make another blog post to pass up the time. As you all know, I have written quite a lot about street wear in the past, and you can read them here and here. However, I haven’t tackled the street wear in the Asian scene, so I want to write about it today.

Unlike the Western street style that is mostly dominated by hoodies, bomber jackets, long layered clothing and sneakers, the Asian street style pay homage to the Asian culture too. Where you would normally see Western-inspired hoodies, Asian street style would sometimes incorporate some elements of Asian culture by combining hoodies with kimono, and vice-versa. Where you would normally see black and white, the Asian street style would integrate vibrant colors. For this reason, the Asian street wear is much more experimental and this is something that you may want to try out!

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How To Choose The Right Gym Clothes

Working out is something that I really enjoy. Being able to lose some sweat over the gym, stretching out stiff muscles and losing some needed pounds while at it is definitely something that I would gladly do! However, one thing that I do not enjoy is wearing the wrong set of clothes for working out. I have experienced clothes ripping while I was doing squats, and it was really embarrassing! When I joined a 32-kilometer marathon, I also experienced how difficult it is to run when you are wearing a garment that absorbs sweat instead of repelling it. With that in mind, I have decided to always choose the right gym and workout clothes in the future.

So how do you choose the right gym clothes anyway?

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Add Flair To Your Style With Dangling Earrings

One of the easiest yet most overlooked ways of adding flair to any outfit is wearing dangling earrings. Though they might appear unnoticed at first, a lovely pair of dangle earrings can easily transform any outfit to something noticeable, colorful and sparkly.

While earrings are especially flattering with dresses, you can also easily transform even a casual outfit into a flowing and moving fashion piece with a nice pair of dangle earrings. When you pair the right earrings with your collection of cute and fun dresses.

If you are wondering how to properly wear a dangle earrings, you can use these jewelry tips to select the perfect pair of dangle earrings for every style of dress in your wardrobe.

Tips In Wearing Dangle Earrings:

  • Short dresses: Short dresses are perfect for warm spring Saturdays, and they can also be paired with colorful tights when you need something to wear to the office. Accessorizing short dresses can be a challenge because you don’t want to add too much bulk in one place. When selecting jewelry to wear with shorter dresses, look for one statement piece and keep other jewelry to a minimum. A nice pair of dangle earrings will do the trick. Slender gemstone teardrop earrings are ideal. Choose a pair in a color to match your dress, tights or shoes. Chain earrings are also fun. Chain-style drop earrings will add just a bit of sparkle to the outfit and have a slimming effect on your face and neck
  • Long dresses: Long dresses are very fashionable at the moment because they are easy to wear and they are comfortable. When wearing a long dress, feel free to accessorize more heavily than you would when wearing a short dress. Elaborate dangle earrings are fabulous with long smocked dresses and empire-waist beach gowns. Colorful chandelier earrings will complement bright dresses with dramatic lengths.
  • Modern dresses: Modern dresses are sleek and cool, and most are available in neutral hues, such as black, white, grey and beige. Fashion-forward dresses can benefit from colorful accessories. Vibrant dangle earrings will go a long way in personalizing a modern dress. Look for red coral cluster earrings, multicolored glass earrings and hot pink beaded earrings.
  • Vintage dresses: Vintage dresses and vintage-inspired clothing are a big part of the fashion scene right now. To keep a vintage dress fun and light, look for handmade dangle earrings with tons of personality. Novelty resin and plastic earrings in eye-catching designs and shapes are perfect for vintage dresses. Dangle earrings featuring peace signs, animals and retro toys will add a lot to your collection of vintage dresses.

Check these beautiful  dangle earrings from 66girls if you are interested in a pair of dangle earrings.

dangle earrings for women


BB Cream As A Great Concealing Product

BB Creams have been one of the past decade’s biggest beauty trend, thanks to their popularity in Asia, and other small neighboring countries, the trend is set to be huge in the next few years. If you haven’t got one in your makeup bag now, you soon will have it!

So what does BB Cream stand for? Technically, it stands for Blemish Balm or Blemish Base but that doesn’t mean it’s a spot cream. It’s more of a multi-function cream that has coverage and skincare properties. The Korean girls love it because it promises natural-looking skin coverage.

BB creams started hitting U.S. store shelves in the spring of 2011. Today, almost every major beauty company has a BB cream, from drugstore brands that cost under $10 to high-end department-store lines that may be as costly as $100 or more, as well as lines that are only sold at spas or in doctors’ offices. More are on their way.

What BB Creams Do

Can one beauty product really do it all? Maybe.

Many BB creams offer effective sun protection, with broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher, the American Academy of Dermatology’s recommendation for daily use. What’s more, BB creams generally contain zinc oxide or titanium oxide, physical sunblocks that have some built-in water-resistant properties, Wu says.

When it comes to skin treatment, you can find BB creams that contain:

  • Anti-aging components, including peptides and antioxidants such as vitamins A, E, and C
  • Moisturizing workhorses like hyaluronic acid and glycerin
  • Ingredients such as licorice and arbutin that help even out skin tone
  • Light-reflecting mica to give skin a luminous finish
  • Silicone-based ingredients, such as dimethicone, that help smooth the skin, acting much like a foundation primer does

The Limitations of BB Creams

For all its benefits, if you expect a BB cream to be a miracle in a tube, you might be disappointed.

I like to say that BB creams are like any jack-of-all-trades — they’re master of none. They do SPF very well and they can often [provide] good color coverage, but they’re not as effective at moisturizing. Also, it’s very difficult to load all that functionality into a single product and end up with a light texture. Women will find that BB creams tend to be a bit thicker than their tinted moisturizers.

If you are on the hunt for a light yet wide-coverage BB Cream, don’t forget to check out this light BB cream from Club Clio

bb cream for women

How To Wear White Shoes In A Not-So-Boring Way?

Ah, white white white. Perennial as the rain and classic as its contemporary opposite black, white is one of those colors that I always think twice before I wear. Not to take anything away from white, because it is truly a classic color and only black can rival it as the most versatile colors ever! The thing about white is that I am having a hard time wearing it because I am really clumsy and I can easily get dirty when I wear this color.

Not to take away anything from white though! I personally think that white looks great in the fall and winter, but most especially during Spring and Summer when the weather is a lot more forgiving. As we all know, rain and snow can easily dirty up a pair of white shoes, and it can be really tiresome to clean them up. Sometimes, I am so ecstatic to wear my white shoes, but end up remembering that I can’t because of the weather. White shoes are really clean and nice, but they can also be genuinely tricky to wear. How I wish we can wear white all the time without having to worry about dirt, but it is not the case. White shoes will suffer from mud and sleet like nothing else in your closet — trust me!

White shoes get a bad rep because of they easily get dirty, and they are even viewed as too “white”, frumpy and jarringly bright. While they are obviously less practical to wear than darker colors, white footwear are fashionable, versatile, crisp, modern and preppy — all in one!  White shoes are an important part of my personal style even if they are excruciatingly hard to clean sometimes. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear them though. I don’t have a lot of white shoes in my wardrobe, but I think they’re well worth the bit of extra effort to keep them clean. Whether I wear a monotone dress, t – shirt and denim, cardigan, jacket or hoodies, white shoes will always find a way to “work” and “fit in”. For this reason alone, I can say that white shoes deserve all the love that you give it — just learn how to properly take care of it!

If you are on the hunt for a nice pair of white shoes to complete your outfit, here are some flower embossed white shoes from Stylenanda that will definitely work for most of your outfit!

flower embossed white shoes 3



Pamper Your Feet With Cotton Socks

Are you longing for the soft touch and feel on your feet? Do your feet crave for comfort and softness? If you want to pamper your feet the easiest and most convenient way, I’d say that the best way to do so would be to wear a pair of comfortable socks!

Today, when it comes to women’s socks, options are really off to the roof. The old days of boring sock colorways and having to live with a drawer full the same socks is over. With new garment color transferring techniques, there is just no reason why you shouldn’t find a pair of socks that has a design to fit your outfit. Also, with the amount of materials available to modern manufacturers, you can easily find one that suits your budget and feels good on your feet.

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Women’s socks come in a wide variety of different fabrics to go along with the numerous styles available to the consumer. For me, cotton socks are the most affordable and most economic, but there are also other choices such as silk and wool if you are willing to extend your budget by a bit.  All in all, I consider cotton as the most common and convenient sock fabric because it is not only affordable, but comfortable as well. One thing to note though is the fact that low quality cotton can cause blisters and drys slow, which is why you have to choose a high-quality one if you want to avoid problems. Synthetic socks are great at keeping feet dry and they come in many different thicknesses just like cotton socks do.

If you are willing to pay a little extra for luxurious and comfortable socks, most people recommend going for a pair of silk or a wool socks. Although these are the most comfortable socks that I have tried so far, they are quite expensive for just a pair of socks, so make sure that you won’t spend too much for them. Silk can be quite soft. but they are not cheap. Wool, although relatively cheaper, are slow quite drying too. Which is why, for convenient reasons, I think cotton socks are the best bang-for-the-buck socks.

At the end of the day, your choice of socks lies entirely up to you. As a suggestion only, here are some great but affordable socks from korean online store Mix x Mix, and I really hope that you can check them out!


How To Choose The Right Eye Shadow and Liner

For a lot of women, having an eyeliner and eye shadow are the best parts of their makeup experience. With so much that can be done with the eyes, the possibilities that can be done with the eyes are often limitless. With just a whip of your make up, you can quickly make your eyes thoughtful, dramatic and bold for a night out on the town or subdued and sexy for a day at the office. If trying to bring out your own natural beauty is your agenda or wanting to look different and bold, applying eyeliner is your best bet. What look you can accomplish depends on your goals and style, but really, the choice and decision is up to you.
Though I can say that the possibilities seem to be limitless,  learning and understanding how you can obtain a great look by choosing the right color for your eyeliner is a great knowledge to have at your disposal. Truth be told, eye makeup often requires more skill than the rest of the face, so having a deep knowledge in applying eyeliner and choosing the best color should help.

Go With Your Natural Colors For Your Eye Shadow And Liner

When choosing your eyeliner, you should take into consideration three things —  color of your eyes, the tone of your skin and the color of your hair. Well, eyeliners and shadows are meant to add color, vibrance and natural depth to your eyes — defining your lash line is also an added dilemma. For all of these reasons, the color that you choose is extremely important.
If you want a simple tip, my suggestion would be to not choose a color that takes away from the natural beauty of your eyes. If you can, try not to overpower or take too much attention from your eyes, but instead complement it. For example, if you have blue eyes, don’t wear a blue eyeliner or eye shadow that is more intense than the blue of your eyes. Eyeliner is supposed to make your eyes stand out, but overdoing it will take away from the natural beauty of your eyes.
Choosing the right eyeliner and eye shadow is a complicated thing, and finding the right make up to help you achieve the look that you want can be difficult.But, with the help of this Roll-Up Shadow Liner from ImVely, I am sure that you will find it easier to play on the natural shades of your eyes, especially since this is crafted in a neutral brownish color.
brown eye shadow for women 2

Pencil Vs Liquid Eyeliner – Which One Is Better?

Ah, from pencil to liquid to gel, what is the best eyeliner for you to choose? Because there are various kinds of eyeliner to choose from, all with different features that they offer, it can be kinda hard to not “buy all at once” just to cover your grounds. A lot of the features such as the darkness intended, the ability to create distinct lines, the smoky-ness of the look and even the desired final tone and appearance are all factors you should consider when trying to purchase the perfect eyeliner. Of course, ease of use and the time allotted for the application of the liner should also play a part in choosing the perfect one. See, I told you choosing the perfect eyeliner is really difficult!

Brief History of The Eyeliner

Initially worn by the Ancient Egyptians, the first eyeliner was worn by people not only for appearance but also for protection against the sun for the eyes and surrounding area. From then on, modern eyeliners has developed even more — and the result is that we now have different forms, colors, materials, hues and styles to choose from. Because eyeliner can create a plethora of different effects such as the natural eye, the smokey eye, and the winged eye, they are really beloved by women all around the globe.

Liquid Vs Pencil Eyeliner – Which One Is Best?

To tell you the truth, there are several positive and negative characteristics of each eyeliner. The pencil liner, for me, is simpler to use and apply. Because of this, I really feel that the pencil eyeliner is perfect for creating a subtle look. The pencil liner is very limited when it comes to the design and the thickness that it can provide though. This is where the liquid liner takes my vote.

Liquid liners are perfect for precision application because it can easily create a sharp finish which gives the eye superb definition. They are not as long-lasting as the pencil liners though, which will be a problem if you need to wear the liner for a long period of time. The remedy, of course, is reapplication. But it will take time and cost you more to go this route, so choosing one really depends on your budget and needs.

As long as you purchase a quality pencil or liquid liner, I think the choice on what to purchase can easily be answered by your needs. If you are looking for a nice, quality pencil liner, check this sharp yet subtle pencil eyeliner from Club Clio today 🙂

Dressing As A Family? Why Not!

If you ask me, dressing, style and being fashionable is not just a fad. In most situations, I often consider myself as a student of the art of fashion, and I firmly believe that fashion is a way of life. Whether it is going out for school, going out for work or doing something as simple as fetching the groceries from the supermarket, we always try to make sure that we wear comfortable clothes while we also look good. And this, I think, is the real essence of fashion — the ability to showcase your individuality and your personality within the clothes that you wear and integrate it into your life.

With this in mind, I really feel that fashion represents not only our individuality and our personality, but most importantly our life. This is the reason, I think, why people start to dress differently when they are in a relationship or they start to have a family. When you are a single person, looking at people who are wearing “couple shirts” can tick you off as “corny”, but when you start to have a relationship yourself, these “couple shirts” start to become more acceptable to you. This change in the way that we perceive the clothes we wear are also affected by our way of life and by our individuality — which is why I think families who dress together are really nice to look at!

When it comes to wearing group dresses, I really think that family dresses are the cutest sets to see. Think about it — a mom, dad and their kid wearing clothes that have matching looks, colors or themes? That is really a cute thing to see. When it comes to family fashion, it is the daddy who is most likely to have a hard time with wearing the clothes, so it is a wise decision to choose one that would look good on him. Something that looks good on the father will most often than not look good on the mother too! And because kids have this “whatever they wear will look good on me” thing, I am sure that the kid will not have a hard time matching clothes with his or her parents.

Just take a look at this simple LOVE Doodle family shirt collection from Funny Love and see how this family pulled off this wonderful piece of themed collection!

The Versatility Of Skirt Leggings

In a perfect world, wouldn’t you want to be able to wear one versatile piece of clothing that will be able to help you cover so many different fashion styles? Just think about it… one piece of clothing that will be able to help you cover multiple dimensions and can cope up with the demands of your every day life? Wouldn’t that be nice, to be able to hit two birds with one stone?

I’ve always loved wearing skirts. I have tried wearing pleated skirts, mini skirts, maxi skirts and even pencil midi skirts — such is the appeal of skirts to me that I even have a whole section on one of my closets filled only with skirts! However, wearing slim fit and skinny legging pants is also one of my biggest obsessions. The ability to mix and match my clothes with my skinny legging pants, without worrying about showing too much skin, is also one thing that I cannot completely abandon. Leggings are quite comfortable to wear and I am really ecstatic whenever I put them on.

How wonderful it would be to be able to wear them both, right? Impossible, you say? Maybe before. But nowadays, with ingenious designs and wonderful sense of style apparent in modern designers, someone has thought of creating a combination of skirts and pants in one apparel. You know, like hitting two birds with one stone? How cool is that?

The Skirt Leggings just might be the answer to my long-time wish to be able to wear skirt and leggings at the same time though! Although you can just wear some black leggings underneath your skit, just like English school girls do, there is something a lot more appealing to the prospect of wearing both skirts and leggings all in on go. The skirt leggings is a lot more fun to wear because there are so many variations on designs that you can play with. Just take this zippered pocket skirt leggings from Lemite as an example. The wrap style of the skirt leggings perfectly suits the tone and material of the pants, which makes the continuation of skirt and legging pants a lot more authentic. Also, the wrapped and flapping front opening of the skirt leggings makes it seem like the skirt is actually an extension of the shirt worn. Simply put, this sense of style and design is what makes these wrap around skirt leggings from Lemite such a wonderful clothing investment.

zipper skirt leggings